Live Your Life

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Peace, Hope & Love.....Blessed

I thought it was time to blog again.  My brain had to stew and ponder, my heart had to heal and both of them had to reflect.  Disappointment sums it up...I had a few pity parties (Why Me?)... no anger...just sadness-- and more disappointment.  And here, today, 5 weeks later I still don't understand and I'm still disappointed, but it's taken a back seat to...

God did grant me peace...and through the holidays I was blessed with hugs, flowers, thoughtful kind words and lots and lots and lots of support.  My marriage is stronger and I feel truly adored by those who love me.  Was it worth putting it all out there to share? Selfishly yes...for healing.  And prayerfully, sharing my story will help someone else know there are others out there who care and empathize.

The Dr says all is well.  No reason to fear and we are free to move on when we are ready!  Apparently they tested to be sure all 4 were babies and not hidden tumors mixed up in there (again, 4 is almost unheard of naturally) but the test results came back confirming 4 placentas....So move on we will.  That could be fun..wink wink!  Sharing that news with Kai... looking at all those pregnant around me... walking by the baby isles in Target the 1st time... packing the maternity clothes back up and putting my "regular" clothes back in the closet-- just for now-- those were tough moments.  Feeling numb for days- posting on the day of the Newtown shooting and feeling NOTHING-- the girl who cries at USAA and Folgers commercials-- NOTHING- not a tear.  I sat there thinking "That is awful...those poor families..." completely monotone and completely foreign to who I am.  But as a few days passed, then a week, then several weeks... the disappointment is still there, but hope has begun to grow and take it's place.  Hope that soon we are pulling the maternity clothes back out.  Hope that God has the perfect baby waiting for us to love.  Hope that we will be healthy and normal in a new pregnancy.

I've never had ONE best friend I've had my whole life, who knows all my secrets and comes to me as much as I go to them.  I've always had groups of friends.  It's something else I've learned about myself over the years-- and that's ok.  I LOVE to love people...and I love to be LOVED by people in return.  The heartfelt comments, words of encouragement, prayers, flowers, notes/cards...coffees, baked goods and even a pedicure-- texts and phone calls checking in as the weeks passed....friends who weren't afraid to ask how I was feeling and allowed me to talk about it.  Life has taken me through a journey and along the way I have made many really GREAT friends. 

We all go through periods in life where we don't feel worthy or worthwhile.  Our self-worth has suffered-- for me it was several years of belittlement, manipulation and criticism that beat me down.  And through the years I've built the worth of this deep rooted sensitive girl back up to the confident woman I am to be.  I would have never wished to miscarry those precious babies....but through sharing that story, I was gifted with compliments like: I love you, You make me laugh, I truly enjoyed following your story- I laughed with you and then I cried, You are an amazing Mom, You are so strong/brave/caring...and many others that I will treasure in my heart.  Our culture doesn't always allow us to sit back and realize how amazing we are-- and we should!  We ARE precious and amazing!! And I have vowed to be even more outgoing- a sincere intention to lift others up.  Friends, Family...strangers on the street.  I want to make an effort to bless even one person every day-- that's at least 365 of you! 

Sitting in Church on Sunday...
As the pastor shared about heaven and hell...and that God has reached out to us over and over and over again...I realized how blessed I am.  Blessed that a Heavenly Father loves me no matter what I've said, thought or done.  Blessed that people around me, my WHOLE life have been there to care and love, share and pray.  And I realized that my sharing.  Although some may call it talking too much, I am willing to share anything, at anytime, with anyone.   I trust in a God who has never let me down- it may not always make sense, but even in the darkest hours, I've felt him reaching out to say-- I'm here Mandy, trust Me.

Blessed....I truly am.

Friday, December 14, 2012


One of the greatest joys in life is bringing up a child. I am so blessed to have Kai in my life and to be a Mom! Many have heard me say "One & done", "Kelly and I don't plan to have any" etc, and kindly argued with me that you can see the joy I get from being a mom...don't I just want one more??? Well, it turns out I do! And for all of fall 2011- summer 2012, I was convinced my wish would come true.

You see, I shared my heart with my husband who was tentative to say the least to expand our family (beyond the 4-legged additions), and after spending some time with his own Dad and kindly considering my suggestion to think about that amazing relationship (& that I'd changed my mind), we decided to give it a go-- yay!!

1-- I wasn't to tell anyone we were trying...... Hahahahaha ok, I won't put it on FB...does he KNOW me? Good point though, down the path I didn't need people asking me all the time if we were pregnant yet.

2-- There was a timeline: 1 year

3-- No fertility, no adoption, only one

And we got busy.... ;)

I was Absolutely convinced I would NOT need a full year. I downloaded the Get Pregnant App, and started "paying attention". I remember several sly conversations where he had me completely figured out...again, does he KNOW me? I set a goal and I go for it!

Month 1 passed, then months 2, 3 & 4... Every few weeks placing me in a grumpy mood with chick flicks on the TV and chocolate in my lap. And then I deleted the app.... Obsessing was not helping me, this should just be fun. I had envisioned us raising a child together and I knew God knew my heart.

About this time I was laid off from my job and the sad conversation was had in our kitchen that our little "project" should be put on hold.... Fine... Month 5.... I was rehired quickly and we were back in the races!

Month 6,7,8,9.....10.....11.... 4 friends/ family share the fabulous news that they are expecting in the spring.... I'm happy for them, allowed myself a pity party and started to believe this may not be in the cards after all. Why was this not happening?? Kai was not "planned"-- and what a blessing her surprise was!!! What was TAKING SO LONG???

Throughout the latter months, several friends prayed with me, supported and encouraged me-- It's 10 years later, life is different, I am different, I haven't been trying that long.... Don't give up.

Month 12.... Stretched into the start of 13 (we'd taken one month off after all right? I get a time credit on the back end!!) and I made a joke while making dinner "We'll, it's been a year, my time is up- what should we do next? Wouldn't it be funny if we got pregnant now?!?" Hahahahaha

Not 2 weeks later I found myself realizing that 4 weeks hadn't passed (I'd stopped tracking or paying attention) ...5 had! For someone who really wanted this, I have to be honest, I was nervous. I thought I'd picked up the stomach bug going around and had even taken a day off work. 2 days later, I'm driving around with a test in my purse, running unnecessary errands because I just wasn't quite ready to go home...... The longest hour later... I was home playing chemist. I barely got the lid on and **POOF!!** there was the cross! I was shocked to be honest----and then quickly elated....This was what id dreamed of!!! Now the next longest hour...waiting for Kelly to get home! And who was waiting at the door wagging their nubbin' with a big goofy grin?! Willie! But a grinning goofy wife was standing right behind him and in true Mandy style had a speech planned out and barely let poor Kelly in the door (sometimes he just doesn't move fast enough!!). "I don't expect you to react like me, and I know you'll need time for this to sink in (I'd had a WHOLE hour already!!) but we are going to have a baby!!!" This may have been proceeded by some kind of jumping hug, maybe some screeching, fast talking, and shoving something I'd recently pee'd on in a germ-a-phobes face!

Kelly, being the practical science minded individual/ MAN he is, needed more proof. Doesn't the Dr have to confirm this, lets not get ahead if ourselves-- fair statement, I'd already made years worth of plans in that WHOLE hour..... And so our journey began. We shared the news with Kai in a way that was all about her, and told her this was between us for now. Being so close to Thanksgiving, we shared with our families as we got to visit and started to talk to some close friends. I told him, I was too excited and I know the advice is wait through the 1st trimester, but don't you want those close to you to be able to celebrate you? And if something does go wrong, ant I going to want their support and love...?? That's just who I am.

Over the next month we were both sharing as we ran into or had the opportunity to have conversations with sweet friends. In that time- surprise #2 came! My first Dr appt. confirmed pregnancy---- and twins!! I'm not sure what my feelings of shock were-- fear, excitement and worry for Kelly (see guidelines above...we could have 1) all mixed together. The Dr informed me one could vanish so I decided this news should stay on the DL; if one did vanish, we could still be excited with everyone that we were pregnant!! 4 days later I found myself in the middle of a panic attack and just "knew" something was wrong. I called, encouraged them to let me come back, saw a new (to me) Dr I loved immediately and along came surprise #3.... We weren't just expecting twins.... We were pregnant with QUADRUPLETS!! (Please refer to guidelines again- no fertility treatments allowed).

Well..... This was way too rare and crazy not to share. You may imagine that news wouldn't have helped my panic attack, however, 2 didn't look viable so worst case we end up with 1. I now got to come in every week and look for those sweet heartbeats and watch these little guys grow. Yay! In an effort to not allow my "worry" to win out, I excitedly increased the pace in which I was sharing with friends. I was showing like 12 weeks, calendar said 8 and they were measuring at 5 1/2. What an exciting week! Watching people's jaws drop and they couldn't help themselves not to ask "I didn't know you were doing fertility!?!"

3rd appointment came, Kelly was able to attend this time and help my hand as Dr Lennon brought up the picture of our precious Quads. I prepared myself they could still be too small to see their heartbeats and we wouldn't really know still, 4?, 3?, 2?, 1?...... Unfortunately the picture was alarming as it appeared none of them were making it, my deepest fear I had been suppressing. As I cried, I wondered if their had been validity to my panic attack - some intuition maybe? We had another chance to see if something may show differently, and my "realist" husband somewhere rented an Optimist's hat and told me to hold onto hope that at least one would be ok. I swear I didn't know him in those 2 hours but I've never loved him more. He stayed right with me and showed me the support I needed. "I don't show emotion like you, I'm worried's ok to cry, but don't give up yet."

2 hours later we met the sweetest sonographer, sensitive to both of us in the situation. And man did she try- 3D, sound, checking every angle she could, but it only confirmed the sad news. This pregnancy was no longer viable. Not wanting to wait for the excruciating (physical) pain to set in, plans were quickly made to medically assist my body with a D&C. I shared the news as best I could, held Kai as she cried after school, and we busied ourselves with cookie decorating. Disappointed is not quite a strong enough word.... But life had to keep moving on...we used these moments to create memories with my beloved daughter and used this time to cradle her heart through a loss she was working to comprehend - just as Kelly had been doing for me.

I'll spare you the details, but it was a rough day. Many tears were shed through the night, as I woke up and through my morning routine. My heart was aching. I got Kai off to school, Kelly off to work and busied myself as I waited for it to be time.

My dear friend Jen assisted me to the hospital so she could sit with me until Kelly could arrive (somebody has to get some work done between us!!). Over the last few years, God has strategically made Jen available during some very unsettling times. Its one way He shows me He is there and I'm so blessed to have wonderful friends who step in like family!! Kelly could be where he needed to be, then be with me and thanks to Brenda Kai would be in great hands after school.

Paperwork and prep takes forever... And the outfit you get for surgery- sexy!! Sorry, no photos allowed! Kelly arrived in plenty of time, we met with the chaplain who shared that our babies would be taken care of in heaven and their ashes would be placed under a memorial bench at Littleton Cemetery. There were some hard moments, but never having any surgery before, I was anxious to get it over with. And surprise again! My Dr decided under the circumstances he would come in on his day off to be with me instead of the on-call Dr. So sweet! All of the staff was great-- and the anesthesiologist assured me he'd mix just the right cocktail for me. An hour later I was alert, and recovering. Obviously this is not where I wanted to be, but I am so grateful for amazing care and no complications.

So as I lay here resting for 48 hours (yawn...) I wonder-- why is this so taboo?

Is it that unlike me, so many others find it too painful to share?
Do I just love attention? (Maybe a little- my name means one who must be loved)
And wouldn't women find more comfort and less fear in knowing they are not alone?

I've never truly understood the hurt someone must have suffered through miscarriage-especially in the beginning. That may mainly be due to the fact that I wasn't there with them and either found out well after it was over.... Or maybe even never.

That is not me-- I deeply love my friends and I want to celebrate the joys, the milestones, the everyday challenges and silliness-- and the grief....together. Isn't that what relationships are for?

Maybe I air too much, but I like to live life on my sleeve. I like to connect stories and relatable situations, build many relationships, and Experience life with those around me. I find comfort in that and although I'm sure more tears will come, I'm able to heal emotionally, faster thanks to the prayers, love, support and caring of my friends and family. Although I called out a few in here - my longest blog ever- you know who you are and how you are there for me, and it doesn't go unnoticed. The texts, cryptic FB messages, voicemails, notes, hand holding, visits, prayers etc..... Although my heart is hurting, it's cushioned by your love and support and I'm forever grateful.

In our excitement and special bond (and 30 hours in the car) Kai and I had started a list of names. Before we even knew there was a chance of twins, we selected a few boy/girl twin names which were then veto'd by Kelly.... Boo.... But, we found comfort yesterday in naming our quadruplets with those names, Hannah & Hayden, Austin & Ashlynn. Rest in peace sweet innocent souls-- we will meet again one day in heaven! What a wonderful place for you to be now!

I am hopeful for the future. There are many beloved kids in my life, who wouldn't be here if not for the loss of a few before them, including my own sister Emily. God always has a plan, whether or not we can understand.

Faith is trusting when you can't see.

I look forward to holding Baby Henry one day and sharing that experience with Kelly. And I find comfort knowing I will have all of you along for the ride with us!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Huggin' Henry Necks

It was the bi-annual Henry Reunion earlier this month.... 20 of us livin' it up in a cabin for 5 days! 9 kids and 11 adults....not to mention moose(s), otter, trout, birds, red fox, coyotes, deer, elk and to my dismay no bear this year (although I did find scat!).

What a great time in beautiful Grand Lake,Co! God's beauty truly transcends and you can help but stop and be amazed by the surroundings!

Beautiful Evening on Sun Valley Lake

My favorite Henry past-time, a card game called Pitch, was not quite my friend this year. Although I started out strong, by round 2, I was taking down my team in a golf score like fashion! It was also strong armed by poker where I also this time right into Matt Green's pocket!

Kai has an amazing time with the cousins & to Wilbur & Brenda's delight I am certain the bonds and memories being created on these trips will last these children a lifetime!! Fishing, hide and seek, hikes, Tag (Uncle Roger rocks!!), spoons, banana boats, late night giggling & more..... It's heaven for them!! My heart is warm knowing she is so loved in this family!

Kai & Pierce Loving the Cookie Decorating Contest!

Speaking of family, for a Henry Reunion, it's a name lightly used and I suppose named for the head of the house. You see, only a few have even held the name Henry. You have of course Wilbur & Kelly which will never change, Brenda & I by marriage to the prior named & Lynne in her former single state. Kai, April, Matt, Maverick, Cyrus, Roger, Portia, Hudson, Pierce, Tiffany, Tony, Michelle, India, Mara & Solomon never will carry Henry as a last name. I'm sure they are honored however to be included in this wonderful clan!!

We had a fantastic time & are so thankful to Grammy & Grandpa for hosting!! Looking forward to Summer 2014 already!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer's trekkin' on


It's been a month... but at least it hasn't been a year! Thanks for missing me! 

Here's an update:

The legos are growing in Kai's room--- I need to find some good organization for these-- thank you Pinterest for all your help and organization!

We haven't been needing that bucket of ideas-- we're so busy!  Pool? what Pool? there's a pool near us? We're so thankful for our neighbors and our front porch! It's the downtime we need!

This last weekend, Kai and I engaged in a road-trip (thank you Zapped for the fun music which we mixed in with Radio Disney!)  We drove through some amazing scenery heading west in Colorado to the lovely town of Fruita!  We were welcomed by the lovely Jessy McKinley who hosted a fabulous Thirty-One party!  New friends, new simple solutions, new memories!

This is our beautiful Colorado-- after a 1.2 mile (steep) hike, we were blessed with the View of Hanging Lake!

As many of you have seen on the news, our beautiful state is on fire.  We were not in any danger, but did drive right past the De Beque Canyon Fire which thankfully isn't affecting structures. It was breathtaking at night to come around the bend and see the fires burning.  This is on the way back during the day when you can only really see the smoke. 

And what better than to keep a 9 1/2 year old busy than apps on the iPad! She made some of the funniest pictures (I need to figure out how to make cuter collages of the pictures!-- Help this inexperienced Blogger)  We had so much fun singing and just being together in the car!  And Kai's favorite part, staying at a hotel where they serve breakfast in the morning (it's the little things!)

We are loving life, loving summer, and loving being with friends!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Summer between 3rd & 4th Grade

It's hard to believe 3rd grade is over! We'll be keeping busy this summer with a variety of plans including Staycation of course!

After beautiful weather camping over Memorial Day, school was out and it was time to play!!

We're creating a bucket of items to do and will randomly pick out something on various days. Things like a reading list, going on a hike, having a sleepover, and many others will go into the bucket.

An impromptu trip to the Lego Store has gotten us started off. Who knew building with Legos could be so fun! Kai has been eyeing Olivia's house so after saving some money, we went in to explore. It's out of stock again, so in a few weeks it will be shipped to our home. In the meantime, we filled a container with pieces that MIGHT make a car. Mind you, I'm no Lego guru, but I thought we did pretty good tonight. Definitely some pieces missing but our girls are cruising along just fine in their new jeep!

Uncle T will be so proud!!